Support for external hard drives over 16TB is coming soon to Xbox The feature is currently rolling out to Xbox Insider members It's expected to become widely available in the coming weeks Support for ...
总之,微软此次的更新无疑是一场技术的盛宴,支持超16TB外接硬盘的改变将为Xbox玩家带来全新的存储体验,并带来无限可能。通过AI工具的辅助,玩家们将在内容创作和分享上更加游刃有余。未来的游戏体验将不仅仅局限于简单的游玩,更是融入了个性化的内容创造和 ...
Your Xbox console is about to get a lot more storage options thanks to a system update that enables external drives over 16TB ...
If you need over 16TB of USB storage for your Xbox Series X/S all I want to know is, why?
Aside from power users and developers, who might use their Xbox consoles for more than gaming, 16TB is already an excessive amount of space. You could fit 320 games on that drive if you take into ...
在游戏行业日新月异的今天,存储空间的需求越来越大,特别是对热爱Xbox的玩家来说,拥有足够的存储空间意味着能够无忧地享受最新的游戏内容。微软近日对Xbox ...
As explained in this FAQ, the Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S will work with any storage device, as long as it uses the USB3.1 protocol and has a minimum of 128 GB in storage. The difference in using ...
Xbox Series X/S owners have something to look forward to as upgrades for the storage capacity of the consoles are being planned.
Microsoft has announced that Xbox consoles will soon support external USB drives larger than 16TB. This new feature is currently being rolled out to Xbox Insiders in the Alpha Skip-Ahead ring as ...
近日,微软为Xbox Insider项目的用户推出了一项令人振奋的更新——Alpha-SkipAhead版本。这一更新带来了多项系统优化和错误修复,更重要的是,它让Xbox主机正式进入了支持超过16TB容量外接硬盘的新阶段。从版本号2502.250120-2200开始,Xbox用户终于可以连接和使用更大容量的存储设备,以满足日益增长的游戏存储需求。
微软宣布,Xbox游戏机将很快支持16TB以上的外置硬盘。Xbox内部人士已经确认支持更大的外部USB存储,作为系统软件更新的一部分,现在正在以Alpha版本向公开测试者推出。与以往一样,这个新特性在广泛的公开发布之前,通常会在接下来的几周内,慢慢地 ...