时隔二十余年,谷歌成为了又一家在反垄断上栽了跟头的科技巨头。作为众矢之的的谷歌不仅仅输掉了与美国司法部的诉讼,被认定在通用搜索服务市场通过不正当手段保持垄断地位,其与Epic Games的官司也以失败告终。 就在日前,美国旧金山地区法官就Epic ...
「 点击上方"GameLook",订阅微信 」持续了4年多的又一个“世纪官司”迎来新消息。北京时间10月8日,法官James Donato对Epic起诉谷歌案做出了最终裁决,命令谷歌在三年内向竞争对手开放谷歌应用商店。谷歌将不得不在Google ...
几年前知名游戏引擎开发商 EPIC 将苹果和谷歌起诉到法院要求解除应用商店垄断以及开放替代支付系统,EPIC 与苹果的诉讼中整体来说还是苹果赢了,苹果也只是迫于欧盟数字市场法案才在欧盟市场开放替代商店。 不过 EPIC 与谷歌的对决中 EP ...
Google lost its legal fight, here's 4 ways your Android phone's Play Store could change soon, if Google loses Epic appeal.
For three years, Google will have to let third-party Android app stores access the Google Play Store's catalog of apps "so ...
We’ve already seen a report from Statista, which showed that as of June 2024, the number of Play Store apps available was ...
Epic was seeking changes to Play Store policies that would be in effect for six years, but Donato opted for a three-year stay ...
Citing US restrictions, Google removed Kaspersky Lab’s antivirus software from the Play Store and terminated its developer ...
经过漫长的审理,2024年10月7日,美国加利福尼亚州法官詹姆斯・多纳托发布最新裁决,认为谷歌为Android系统构建的应用程序商店(即Google Play)属于非法垄断,要求谷歌在未来3年内开放足够空间给竞争对手。
Alphabet Inc. must lift restrictions that prevent developers from setting up rival marketplaces that compete with its Google ...
Google's push for big screens will include a (hopefully dramatic) Play Store redesign. The cryptographic key proves an update ...