查尔斯三世正在对澳洲进行第16次正式访问。综合路透社和英国广播公司(BBC)报道,他星期一(10月21日)在澳洲议会发表演讲,向“这片土地的传统主人”致敬。然而,他的演讲结束后,独立参议员兼原住民活动家索普(Lidia ...
(法新社坎培拉21日电) 澳洲原住民参议员索普(Lidia Thorpe)今天在英国国王查尔斯三世(King Charles III)访问澳洲国会时高喊反殖民口号,此举令在场的议员和其他政要大为震惊。
查尔斯国王最近出现了不少负面消息,之前有澳大利亚政客公开宣称不愿意承认他为自己国家的元首,要澳大利亚退出英联邦,改制成共和国,查尔斯国王也只能回应“不干预他们的做法”,他的反应显得十分无力。而在当地时间10月21日,英媒再次发表一篇关于查尔斯国王的报 ...
Give us our land back. Give us what you stole from us – our bones, our skulls, our babies, our people’, she shouted ...
At a Parliament reception to welcome the British monarch, Lidia Thorpe shouted at Charles that he was not her king and should ...
The Indigenous senator who confronted King Charles has spoken out to explain why she shouted at him after his parliamentary ...
On tonight’s episode of Paul Murray Live, Sky News host Paul Murray discusses Lidia Thorpe, Albanese versus Dutton in polls, ...
Sky News host Paul Murray discusses how Senator Lidia Thorpe was carrying on “like the porkchop she can be” in front of the ...
AUSTRALIAN senator Lidia Thorpe made headlines around following her outburst during the Royal tour. In October 2024, she was ...
Lidia Thorpe strode up the aisle yelling: "Give us our land back. Give us what you stole from us! Our bones, our skulls, our ...
Ms Thorpe is the first Aboriginal woman from the state of Victoria to become a senator. An indigenous leader, who welcomed ...