索尼前PlayStation全球工作室总裁Shawn Layden,近日公开表示继续推动更强大、更昂贵的游戏机硬件是不可持续的,对此他认为“争夺每秒万亿次浮点运算的能力是没有道理的……我们需要在内容上展开竞争”。作为在2019年离开的高管,Shawn ...
近日前PlayStation高管Shawn Layden在Gamescom Asia上发表讲话, 他表示AA级游戏正在慢慢消失,而专注于高预算的3A大作开发,导致开发成本不断上涨,这让游戏行业陷入了死亡漩涡。
如今面对3A游戏,不管对于玩家还是发行商都已经变成了一种“赌博”。作为前PlayStation工作室董事长与SIE美国总裁的Shawn ...
作为在 2019 年离开索尼 PlayStation 全球工作室的高管 Shawn Layden,近日接受了外媒 的采访。当被问及主机行业当前的商业模式是否可持续时,他公开表示继续推动更强大、更昂贵的游戏机硬件是不可持续的,并认为 ...
近日,前PlayStation高管Shawn Layden在Gamescom Asia上发表讲话,指出游戏行业正面临着严重的困境。他表示,专注于高预算的3A大作开发导致开发成本不断上涨,使得整个行业陷入了死亡漩涡。
【ITBEAR】在Gamescom Asia的一次演讲中,前PlayStation高管Shawn Layden表达了对当前游戏行业的担忧。他指出,随着AA级游戏的逐渐消失,行业正日益聚焦于高预算的3A大作,导致开发成本飙升,行业陷入了恶性循环。
During a conversation at Gamescom Asia (via GamesIndustry.biz) with Raw Fury co-founder and chief publishing officer Gordon ...
THE gaming industry has struggled recently with waves of layoffs washing through the industry. In the last twelve months, ...
Former PlayStation boss Shawn Layden has said that the disappearance of lower budget, AA games in favor of AAA games is a ...
Former PlayStation executive Shawn Layden recently shared that the console business needs to focus on content instead of ...
Shawn Layden, the ex-PlayStation executive who held a number of high-profile roles across Sony Interactive Entertainment, ...
With more and more studios opting to make spin-offs, sequels and reboots of existing I.P. rather than explore new concepts ...