麦康纳在《EXODUS》中饰演的角色名为C.C.奥尔列夫(C.C. Orlev)。根据官方新闻稿,他是半人马座中的一位声名远扬的公民,是一个外来者,掌握着许多秘密,或许愿意与玩家分享,但他的真实动机仍然是个谜。
The JRPG-inspired Clair Obscur: Expedition 33 has a ridiculously stacked voice cast, including Andy Serkis and Charlie Cox.
近日,一款名为《EXODUS》的科幻RPG游戏发布了新的CG预告片'The Mara Yama',并邀请了好莱坞知名男星马修·麦康纳担任旁白。这款由半人马座一位声名狼藉的公民C.C. Orlev作为关键角色的游戏,无疑在万圣节前夕为玩家带来了一丝毛骨悚然的氛围。预告片中展示的马拉阎王The Mara Yama,更是让人对这款游戏充满了期待。
A space ship flying through a beautiful but menacing nebula. Cosmic horrors that feast on dreams and memories. That’s our ...
Archetype Entertainment and Blur Studio's space RPG Exodus was announced back in December, and was broadly notable for ...
Archetype Entertainment has released a new cinematic trailer for science-fiction action adventure RPG EXODUS introducing the ...
科幻RPG游戏《Exodus》官方公布了游戏新概念艺术图,以及一个短篇故事。该故事“阐明了旅行者在旅程中所面临的高风险和特殊挑战”,这是序言中 ...
"Do you know what fear is? The Mara Yama do," croons Mr. McConaughey, ominously. "They want minds. Memories. Emotions … ...
由《质量效应》老兵们开发的新款太空科幻RPG游戏《Exodus》本身就足以让人兴奋不已,但开发商Archetype Entertainment公布的关于《Exodus》的一切都让这 ...
Apparently, we’re going to be hearing a lot more from McConaughey; he’s portraying a character named C.C. Orlev for Exodus.
"Exodus" has a new cinematic trailer for their upcoming AAA Sci-Fi RPG IP, being developed by Archetype Entertainment. The ...
A new trailer for forthcoming sci-fi RPG Exodus has been released, starring Hollywood's Matthew McConaughey as the narrator. The game was first announced at The Game Awards at the end of last year ...