科幻电影《银翼杀手2049》(Blade Runner 2049)的制片方Alcon Entertainment起诉埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)和特斯拉(Tesla)侵犯版权,称特斯拉不当使用该电影中的一张图片来宣传其未来派无人驾驶出租车原型。 Alcon周一在加州帕萨迪纳提起诉讼,称特斯拉曾请求授权使用该电影 ...
如今,这个赛道正有望迎来改变。 10月10日下午,“中国新派高端浓香·国缘2049”新品发布会在上海隆重举行。江苏今世缘酒业千元级别高端浓香型 ...
10月1日,中共建政75周年,距离2049年这个“百年奋斗目标”还有25年。 中共体系中,“计划”之手无处不在,惯于设置各种时间点,比如“第十四个 ...
明天10月1日是中共建政75周年,距离2049年这个「百年奋斗目标」还有25年。展望未来25年,3个年份反覆涌现:2027年、2035年和2049年。他们各自被中共 ...
2027年中共会进攻台湾吗?2035年习近平会退休吗?2049年中国能成为现代化强国吗? 这三个年份各自被中共赋予了目标和意涵,但实现起来也不容易 ...
Preheat the oven to 180C/160C Fan/Gas 4. Line a 12-hole cupcake tin with paper cupcake cases. Place the flour, sugar, baking powder and salt in a large bowl. Add the butter and, using an electric ...
Everyone will want this easy vegan cupcake recipe because they are absolutely delicious. Feel free to creatively customise with sprinkles or other decorations! Equipment and preparation ...
Alcon Entertainment, the Hollywood company behind “Blade Runner 2049,” said it had denied a request to use images from the movie but that Mr. Musk did so anyway. By Brooks Barnes Reporting ...
Alcon Entertainment alleges Tesla CEO Elon Musk and his team used AI to recreate scenes from the 2017 movie after the studio rejected the EV maker's request to use the visuals.
In 2049 LA, a cop known as K hunts down android labourers who have gone rogue. But when he uncovers a shocking conspiracy involving the robots, K searches for the one person who might have answers ...
Discovery, alleging that the electric vehicle maker ripped off scenes from the 2017 film “Blade Runner 2049” to promote its new robotaxi. Alcon Entertainment, which produced the film for ...