On Saturday, actor Val Kilmer, who played Batman in a later movie, tweeted: "Ah dear Adam West. He was always so kind when we met. A real gent. Once when I was a kid we found ourselves in front ...
Actor Val Kilmer, who played Batman in a later movie, tweeted: "Ah dear Adam West. He was always so kind when we met. A real gent. Once when I was a kid we found ourselves in front the Batmobile.
Adam West’s official website has been updated in anticipation for the art exhibit. The event will launch at Gilman Contemporary Art and run from December 20-22. The site says each originals will ...
From Adam West’s Batman movie (yep, he killed some thugs there, too) to The Dark Knight Rises, the supercut collects every stone cold murder brought by the Dark Knight’s hands. Not too ...