Akira Toriyama, the influential manga artist who created the Dragon Ball anime franchise, died March 1 due to an acute subdural hematoma - blood clots on the brain that usually form after an injury.
Japanese manga artist Toriyama Akira — creator of "Dragon Ball" and "Dr. Slump" — captivated generations of fans, transforming graphic storytelling around the globe. His influence was ...
“Dragon Ball” and “Dr. Slump” took the world by storm but their creator, manga artist Akira Toriyama, initially harbored deep reservations when starting out on the projects. Toriyama died ...
Acclaimed manga artist Akira Toriyama, creator of the global hits “Dragon Ball” and “Dr. Slump,” died on March 1 due to acute subdural hematoma, according to his publisher Shueisha Inc.
Akira Toriyama, the Japanese manga artist who created the incredibly popular Dragon Ball and Dr. Slump series, has died. He was 68. Toriyama died March 1 from an acute subdural hematoma, the ...
Akira Toriyama, one of Japan’s leading comics authors, whose manga and anime franchise “Dragon Ball” achieved worldwide success with its mix of comedic characters and rousing martial arts ...
The creator of Dragon Ball, one of the most influential and best-selling Japanese comics of all time, has died at 68. Akira Toriyama suffered an acute subdural hematoma, a type of bleeding near ...
The trailer for the collection is available on the official website. This video first appeared at Jump Festa 2025. Each volume will have two covers. One is the original by Akira Toriyama.
Volume 42 wraps up the Majin Buu Saga. In Oda’s version, you can see Goku waving goodbye and thanking fans, echoing the sentiment of Toriyama’s original sentiment. While the art style is ...