Every Batman animated movie shows why the Dark Knight is the DC Universes most popular character, as there are dozens of animated films from the most different styles centered on Bruce Wayne and ...
A new Batman animated movie trilogy based on Batman: Knightfall might be in the works at Warner Bros, according to a recent addition to the EIDR system. The animated DC movies that were produced ...
As a result, most fans expect these movies to be quietly scrapped. Now, though, it appears there either are - or were - plans for an animated trilogy based on Batman: Knightfall. He's been a ...
It’s been announced that Reeves’ The Batman Part 2 (which is not actually called that, it turns out) will be delayed a full ...
The original Knightfall storyline, published in April 1993 in three parts – Knightfall, Knightquest, and Knightsend – is best known for delivering one of Batman ... that movie is not going ...
A movie based on Clayface, the iconic Batman villain, has been approved to go into production soon by the DC Studios, with a ...
A full rundown of everything in the works from the cinematic world(s) of DC Comics. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Here’s how it works.
Inside, you'll find concept art of the film's costumes ... If you're a fan of the Dark Knight's animated adventures, then you'll want to grab Batman: The Animated Series - The Phantom City ...
The latest filing made on the EIDR System states that Warner Bros might be producing new Batman animated movies, and making a trilogy. According to its website, the EIDR System “provides a ...