Inspired by the dark reimagining of the Caped Crusader in Tim Burton’s Batman films, Batman: The Animated Series proved that superhero cartoons weren’t just gaudy colors and cheesy villains.
Ty Templeton, best known for his long run on the comic book continuation of the beloved Batman animated series of the 90s, brings us a tale of Zatanna and Bat-Mite. When she was young, Zatanna did ...
DC Comics' Batman has a long and storied history, both on and off the page, having appeared in thousands of comics and quite a few animated series over the years. One of Batman's biggest legacies ...
Phosporous. The episode starts with a skyline shot of Gotham, orchestral fanfare akin to Batman: The Animated Series, and a referential shot of a stone gargoyle overlooking the city, setting the ...
This set is inspired by Batman: The Animated Series, which aired on the FOX Kids cartoon block from 1992-1995. It's a 3D Art Deco relief portrait of the Gotham City skyline, complete with its ...