Inspired by the dark reimagining of the Caped Crusader in Tim Burton’s Batman films, Batman: The Animated Series proved that superhero cartoons weren’t just gaudy colors and cheesy villains.
This is the kind of Joker humor I’m used to, so I wasn’t at all prepared to find genuine laugh-out-loud dark humor from the clown in Batman: Dark Patterns #1. Even if nobody else thinks he's ...
Barry Keoghan’s Joker may get the last laugh in The Batman trilogy. After the Eternals and Saltburn actor made a cameo in 2022’s The Batman movie — and a five-minute deleted scene that was ...
Just for a laugh, here's a look ... character's voice in The Lego Batman Movie. "The Joker is a great villain because he's unpredictable and wild," he said last year, admitting he had found ...