The DC Animated Universe featured a string of interconnected cartoon shows that aired in the '90s and '00s. Here's the best ...
Here's the correct order to watch all eight shows and six movies that are part of the DC Animated Universe, also known as the ...
A full overview of all adventure games released in the Batman Series. These can be episodes, remakes/remasters or sequels, created by either one or several companies. As long as the IP is used, we'd ...
What it's about: Bruce Wayne struggles with his own identity while Two-Face and The Riddler attempt to discover Batman's true identity. What it's about: The Caped Crusaders try to protect Gotham ...
Reeves' Batman series has potential for over 3 films; it shouldn't be confined to a trilogy. Robert Pattinson sees himself retiring after the conclusion of The Batman trilogy, which would see his ...
Now, it has been unseated by a much larger Amazon series that ... season 2 of Batman: Caped Crusader as one is already greenlit and on the way, as it had gotten a two-season order in the first ...
Arkham’s Barry Keoghan Joker is reportedly going to have a big role in The Batman 2. Then, a reporter asks about a potential legal drama series revolving around Harvey Dent, and that’s met ...
Clark previously revealed the network is developing an as-yet-unrevealed television series set in the world of The Batman. Warner Bros. Pictures has dated The Batman Part II for October 2 ...