IT之家 2 月 2 日消息,外媒 CanonRumors 透露佳能今年将复兴旗下 PowerShot 紧凑型卡片相机产品线,首批将推出一款全新 PowerShot V1 卡片相机,该机有望在今年 3 月-5 月间公布,定价有望为 600-800 美元(IT之家备注:当前约 4372 - 5830 元人民币)。 规格方面,该机据称将搭载 ...
"Compact cameras are becoming increasingly popular… we aim to increase sales by establishing a production expansion system" ...
Additionally, the ability to capture high-quality photos of the magnified image made the Canon PowerShot a valuable and unique tool for birdwatchers. While the image quality may not be the best ...
Canon continues to command a huge market share of the camera industry and for good reason: it makes some of the best mirrorless, DSLR and compact cameras available. As such, there's no single ...
SPEED. In terms of performance, the Canon PowerShot ELPH 350 HS powers up very quickly. It has a short interval between shots, which can be important when shooting fast-moving or unpredictable ...