Well, a funny clean joke that you can tell at work ... Slippers. What’s the best way to put a spaceship to sleep? Rocket. What causes dry skin? A towel. Did you hear about the deer that went ...
As we all must have heard, laughter is the best medicine; but making a teen chuckle may not be an easy task. However, being ...
Best of all, with the exception of an occasional dark humor joke, these dad jokes are great ... What do pigs use to clean up? Hogwash. What's a pirate's favorite letter? You'd think it's the ...
Best of all, these gags aren't just for dads ... Even if you decide to keep this treasure trove of clean jokes all to yourself, we guarantee that by the time you're done reading them, your ...
Here are some of the best jokes available online. A Mallu had a party at his newly ... I live in only one room, but I have to clean the whole house." "Gerald," she wrote to another, "I am too old to ...