Apple launched the iPhone SE 2020, the company’s cheapest iPhone last month in India. The device did not go on sale as the country has been under a nationwide lockdown since March 24.
Apple’s move to exit the sub-Rs 20,000 category comes after the company wants to boost its profitability in India. Now, Apple’s cheapest phone is iPhone 5s priced at Rs 24,000. "It's a step to ...
The iPhone 17 Pro is expected to start at around Rs 1,20,000 in India. The iPhone 17 Pro Max, being the higher-end model, is likely to be priced at Rs 1,45,000. Also read: iPhone 17 Pro ...
The cheapest country to buy the iPhone 15 is the United States. The price of the iPhone 15 starts from $799 (approx. Rs. 66,289). Credit: Reuters China is the second cheapest country to buy iPhone 15.