The movement of German Expressionism ... of academic painting, artists focused on subjective emotion and feelings rather than on the immediate correspondence of their works to reality.
Objectives: Students will be able to understand the concepts of Abstract Expressionism ... their art journals as sites for reflections, inquiry, preliminary sketches, ideas for new art work ...
NMW Works by young artists shown at the above mentioned exhibition showcased their explorations in the fields of cubism and expressionism, and by the same token marked a turning point in Polish art.
There is a long history of people taking out their frustration ... of damaging the art. Read on to find out more about the most audacious acts of vandalism against works of art.
German Expressionist films are not exactly popular fodder for the contemporary remake machine. Most are silent and at least a century old, and almost all of them are the product of artists tapped ...
From April 4 to August 24, 2025, the Musée d'Art Moderne de Paris is devoting an exhibition to the artist Gabriele Münter, e ...
Pioneering artist Toko Shinoda, who earned international acclaim for her works blending calligraphy and abstract expressionism that graced many of the world’s finest museums, died on March 1 of ...