Gunnar has announced the upcoming gaming glasses collection to arrive in 2025, aimed at enhancing the digital screen experience and protecting eyesight.
You've probably heard about blue light-filtering glasses for computer users. Or maybe your eye doctor turned you on to blue light filter coatings for your prescription eyewear. Wearing blue light ...
But 2025 is (apparently) set to be the year that ‘smart glasses’ roar back, with companies including Google and Meta set to enter - or re-enter - the market. Multiple pairs of ‘smart’ glasses will be ...
Prolonged staring can result in digital eye strain. Gunnar Optiks computer glasses, which come in a variety of styles, are a solution for eye strain. If you're not familiar with computer glasses ...
As per another leak, Apple is working on a technology for its glasses that could project the screen directly onto the user’s retina, without needing a traditional display. According to the ...