You can buy anything on the internet these days, including prescription eyewear. There are advantages to buying your glasses online with the biggest being how much money you can save. While buying ...
Need new glasses but want to skip the eye exam? Try these online tools to get your prescription from the comfort of your home. Rick Broida Senior Editor Rick Broida is the author of numerous books ...
Thanks to the internet, it’s easy to browse, customize and (virtually) try on prescription glasses online without taking a trip to the optometrist’s office. After evaluating several options ...
We can’t see much without our glasses (which is why our ... But only recently did we break down and spring for prescription sunglasses. However, when it comes to sports we don’t pony up ...
Learn more Prescription glasses can be rather expensive ... you'll need to upload a photo of yourself without glasses on your face and have your pupillary distance (PD) handy.
The exact way you order glasses online depends on the website ... The next step is to enter your prescription information -- the correction for each eye. Then, you'll enter the distance between ...