Halloween is a horror film series that consists of slasher films focused on the fictional character of Michael Myers. Michael's killings occur on the holiday of Halloween, on which all of the ...
Six years ago, Michael Myers terrorized the town of Haddonfield, Illinois. He and his niece, Jamie Lloyd, have disappeared. Jamie was kidnapped by a bunch of evil druids who protect Michael Myers.
Halloween is a horror film series that consists of slasher films focused on the fictional character of Michael Myers. Michael's killings occur on the holiday of Halloween, on which all of the ...
Nearly every "Halloween" movie features a battle between killer Michael Myers and former babysitter Laurie Strode, a character played by scream queen Jamie Lee Curtis. Though Curtis doesn't appear ...
The Haddonfield curse darkens the haunted suburb once again, and Michael Myers is brought back by a mysterious interloper to finish what he started. Only Dr. Loomis can prevent the next onslaught ...
The slasher movie begins four years after the events of "Halloween Kills." Laurie Strode (Jamie Lee Curtis) has spent the last few years trying to move on from the trauma of Michael Myers' deadly ...