在中国人民解放军星期一(10月14日)宣布展开“围台演习”后,台湾国防部长顾立雄周一要求全军官兵提高警觉,以“不升高冲突、不引发争端”的态度来应对。台湾总统府谴责中国无视善意,再度军事挑衅,意图破坏区域和平稳定现状。美国国务院也对中国的军演表示“严正 ...
日本航空自卫队芦屋基地主要负责九州北部防空任务,是北九州重要的军事基地。曾造访我国营区开放活动,并多次採访自卫队基地的军事杂志月刊《Japan Military Review》军事作家木村和尊表示,航空祭对航空自卫队与日 ...
BEIJING, Oct. 15 (Xinhua) -- The so-called Quad mechanism has become a sheer political tool for the United States to contain China and maintain its hegemony, a Chinese military spokesperson said on ...
林芳正:日本未提前获得任何通报图像来源: Japan Kyodo News/AP/dpa/picture alliance 澳大利亚表示正在寻求“解释”,称对任何破坏稳定、增加该地区误判 ...
Japanese media recently disclosed that contaminated wastewater might have leaked from the U.S. Yokota Air Base in Tokyo this ...
Spooky music. Spine-chilling decor. Creepy drinks. And awesome prizes on offer for the best dressed. It’s that time of the ...