Every single verse of the bible is saved into a single mp3 file. We pack audio files for individual books into separate zip files, to make it easier for downloads. They are created for running ...
A revising committee presented a final version to two bishops, then to the Archbishop of Canterbury, and then, notionally at least, to the King. The King James Bible was a book created by the ...
One of James's great contributions to England was the Authorised King James's Version of the bible (1611) which was to become the standard text for more than 250 years. But he disappointed the ...
But on that day they did something remarkable. They booked, not a small acoustic group, but the Harry James Big Band. Of course prior to that they had recorded the band live on tape, discussed many ...
God Bless the USA Bible, endorsed by President-elect Donald Trump, has a new edition for his second inauguration.
Notably, James also commissioned a new version of the Bible. The King James Bible has since been widely praised for the quality and beauty of its translation and interpretation. The true legacies ...
orthodox-nkjv is a Node.js module that contains the complete text of the New King James Version (NKJV) Bible, organized in separate JSON, XML, and Markdown files for each book. This is a work in ...
Truth is, we all need to respect the weather. Don't be anxious, but don't be careless. In all sorts of weather don't be ...
These are all of the chapters of the book of 1 Timothy. Clicking on a chapter will show you the text of that chapter of 1 Timothy in the Bible (King James Version).