Marvel’s upcoming animated series Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man is set to have an unusual release schedule when it begins airing on Disney+. Disney has announced that the first two episodes ...
Marvel has officially released the first trailer for its new animated series Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man. Premiering on Disney+, the show takes place in a parallel timeline where Peter ...
The Marvel Cinematic Universe may have been dominating ... along with other MCU actors. Another animated series is heading our way. Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man follows Peter Parker ...
In Marvel‘s newly unveiled trailer (above) for its animated series Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, Parker casts his web between high school and fighting crime; though he has a spotless ...
In total, there are nine releases on the calendar for 2025, with three films and six series. That’s not exactly a surprise though, considering in May, Bob Iger revealed on Disney’s earnings call that ...