In response, the South Korean military fired shots in areas south of the MDL, the JCS noted. The General Staff of the Korean ...
Xi emphasized that modernizing military theory is an important part of the efforts to modernize national defense and the armed forces, and paves the way for the building of a strong military.
中国海警局10月14日接连发布消息,当天,海警2901编队、1305编队、1303编队、2102编队位台岛周边海域开展执法巡查,环台岛巡航管控,福建海警也组织舰艇编队位东引岛、马祖岛附近海域开展综合执法巡查,重点演练查证识别、登临检查、管控驱离等科目 ...
BEIJING, Oct. 15 (Xinhua) -- The so-called Quad mechanism has become a sheer political tool for the United States to contain China and maintain its hegemony, a Chinese military spokesperson said on ...
美国媒体对于全球各个层面的排行榜五花八门,对于居于全球第一的军事领域尤其热衷。最近颇有名气的美国《世界现代军用飞机名录》在2024年全球空军排名中,将中国解放军空军排名全球第7,甚至落后于排名第6的印度。这份榜单在网上引爆吐槽大会,陆媒则评论称:简直 ...
Israeli airstrikes targeted military sites in the countryside of Homs and Hama provinces in central Syria on Sunday, killing ...
The U.S. has been pushing for absolute military superiority by advancing military deployments in the Asia-Pacific region, ...
谢赫里亚尔以去年发行的棋盘游戏《好莱坞1947》(Hollywood ...
近日,围绕军火买卖的问题再次成为焦点。美国国会4月17日的质询揭示了国防预算的浮滥,佛罗里达州眾议员Mike Waltz在与美国空军部长Frank Kendall的对话中揭露,一袋普通的螺帽,国防部竟花费9万美元购买,而市面上 ...
踏入民宿的接待大厅,那片遗留的墙壁仿佛在诉说着军工厂的辉煌岁月。工业风格的设计元素,让这里充满了历史的气息。餐厅里,新旧材质的巧妙融合,让人在新的空间中感受到旧时光的温度。沿着楼梯拾级而上,二层的历史漫道与观景塔交相辉映。漫步其中,仿佛穿越了时空隧道 ...
BEIJING, Oct. 15 (Xinhua) — A speech delivered by Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, at a symposium on literature and art will be republished on ...