Here is a simple way to protect fruit on your backyard fruit trees from animals like birds and possums - perhaps even squirrels but we don't get them here so I can't say definitively although I do ...
Growing dwarf apple trees in the backyard & protecting from pests by netting. This variety is the Golden Dorset and I also conduct a taste test after harvesting the fruit. -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch ...
At the end of the 2022 growing season, Godsey saw codling moth-related losses in the test block plummet to a mere 1%. To say he was stunned is an understatement. “I really didn’t expect Drape Net to ...
If you aren't growing your gooseberries in a fruit cage, cover bushes with netting during June and July to keep off birds. Ensure it's weighted down at the base to prevent blackbirds getting ...