professionals are becoming increasingly aware of the impact that indoor air quality has on operations. When you consider the fact that, according to the National Safety Council (NCS), people spend ...
One area of indoor air quality is the potential exposure to molds. Although there are currently no established health-based standards for mold in indoor air, Miami’s Environmental Health and Safety ...
Conduct an HVAC assessment to evaluate the condition of the existing HVAC system components and unit ventilation equipment.
When the air outside of a building is contaminated by any type of incident, it is incumbent upon providers to have plans and protocols in place to maintain safe indoor air quality ... the president of ...
Depending on the symptoms described Facilities Management and Environmental Health and Safety consider all the following approaches, as well as others when evaluating indoor air quality problems. When ...
This program is designed to prevent and reduce potential hazards that affect air quality in University buildings, such as temperature, humidity, dust, and odors. Environmental Health and Safety ...