Quantic Dream近期宣布了一项激动人心的促销活动,为玩家带来了旗下两款备受好评的游戏——《底特律:化身为人》与《暴雨》的史无前例低价优惠。此次特惠活动自即日起至2025年1月27日,为游戏爱好者们提供了一个绝佳的购买时机。
新年气象恢弘,Quantic Dream携多款游戏史低燃爆新年! 2025年1月21日到2025年1月27日,《底特律:化身为人》惊爆降至历史最低价的3折特惠,仅需38.4元即可将这份沉浸式体验收入囊中,让每一位玩家都能亲身体验未来底特律的震撼与温情 ...
With two major narrative-driven titles on Star Wars' horizon, a trait that these games share could be the key to the future of the whole franchise. It’s impossible to say at the moment how Star ...
At the 2021 Game Awards, Star Wars Eclipse was announced - a collaboration between Lucasfilm and developer Quantic Dream (Heavy Rain, Detroit: Become Human) that certainly sounded intriguing on paper.
Since its announcement several years ago, Star Wars Eclipse has stood out as one of the most experimental projects ever tied to the greater franchise. The next game developed by Quantic Dream, it ...