Arranged by bloom season, here are some of the best tree options for small yards. When someone says ... this tree's leaves emerge a shade of pink and evolve to a darker green and sprout flower ...
Pink flowering trees create a focal point in the garden, offering outstanding color and eye-catching blooms. These trees also ...
A low-maintenance and easy-to-prune small tree like the camellia should be your all-time favorite option for a compact yard. This shade-loving evergreen tree or shrub is regarded as the queen of all ...
Here are some very important things to consider before (choosing) and planting a new tree, especially large trees such as ...
Vitexes: These small trees put on a stunning display of purple flower spikes each May and June. A second flush sometimes ...
shade, structure, a canopy “ceiling”, protection and wildlife habitat. The following list of recommendations does not cover all the trees available for Minnesota landscapes, but these trees serve as ...