Starbucks fans often debate the differences between iced coffee and cold brew, but the key distinction lies in the brewing ...
自1999年1月星巴克进入中国以来,作为咖啡的高端品牌,一直是被模仿的存在。早至喜茶,立志打造茶饮界的星巴克;再到霸王茶姬,定位为东方 ...
星巴克(Starbucks)轻度烘焙咖啡豆黑咖啡200g,乌拉圭进口。纯正浓郁的黑咖啡,每包可冲泡20杯。高品质、独特风味,方便易用。适合喜欢浓郁黑 ...
We've all heard the term blonde roast used when talking about coffee, but what does it actually mean? Here's how to drink the ...
星巴克最新上线的“电子会员等级星礼包”;图片来源:星巴克 分析人士认为,在咖啡行业“价格战”下,星巴克虽坚守高端定位,对于价格战保持 ...
A blade grinder works by slicing the beans into your desired size. This creates friction, heat, and can be inconsistent, ...
继星巴克任命全球新CEO后,在其全球第二大市场——中国市场,这家咖啡巨头也将迎来重要的权力交接。 9月24日,星巴克咖啡公司宣布调整其中国 ...
星巴克全球执行副总裁兼星巴克中国首席执行官刘文娟、星巴克全球咖啡与可持续发展执行副总裁Michelle Burns等一行星巴克伙伴也风尘仆仆赶来现场,与咖农亲切交流,并为获奖咖农颁奖。 会上,刘文娟宣布:“12年来,我们坚持不懈,和咖农们一起用心血和汗水见证了 ...
Starbucks’ new boss is putting his stamp on the company by cutting back on discounts and promotions — forcing coffee lovers to ... boost awareness of seasonal flavors such as pumpkin spice.
在布莱恩·尼科尔(Brian Niccol)于9月正式成为星巴克CEO后,外界一直好奇这位曾在塔可钟、Chipotle Mexican Grill创下业绩增长神话的消费圈明星经理人 ...