Insomnia can have serious effects on your health, including raising your risk of high blood pressure and depression. (Photo Credit: iStock/Getty Images) There are two types of insomnia ...
And there are two different types of insomnia, according to Sklar: episodic, or acute, insomnia, and chronic insomnia. To qualify for the latter, you’d have to experience symptoms for three ...
There are different types of insomnia - based on how long you've struggled. You can either suffer from short-term (less than three months) or long-term (over three months) insomnia. Insomnia ...
High Achievers I've noticed that many Type A, high achievers suffer from insomnia. They present as extremely frustrated and distressed by the problem because they are not used to failing.
Types of insomnia and magnesium’s effectiveness Research indicates that magnesium glycinate may be particularly effective for specific types of insomnia. Those struggling with sleep onset issues ...