I’m hurt and angered by the shunning I’m experiencing from my family because they disapprove of my incarcerated fiance. I’m ...
Dear Abby: My husband, “Leon,” and I have been together for 13 years. He is bisexual—gay-leaning. I knew this when we got ...
One of the reasons for keeping quiet was that my daughter-in-law was expecting their first child, and I didn’t want to ruin ...
DEAR ABBY: Last year, I gave my dad a cool flashlight for his birthday. It was rechargeable and had a feature that made it ...
DEAR SLEEPY: Write the couple a note and explain that for the last six months their car alarm has been waking you up. Point ...
DEAR SLEEPY: Write the couple a note and explain that for the last six months their car alarm has been waking you up. Point ...
I don’t want our marriage to be ruined because of his relationship with this man, but I’m afraid it might well happen.
DEAR ABBY: I am a single parent of two girls. My oldest, “Becca,” is 17. She has been dating this guy and, as soon as she ...