YouTube is reportedly testing a new ‘Play Something’ button. Once available, users can click it to have YouTube select and play a randomly chosen video. Much like Google’s ‘I’m Feeling Lucky’ button, ...
The report adds that the ‘Play Something’ button is designed as a floating action button (FAB) with a white text color on the play icon with a black background. When tapped, it opens short videos.
After rolling out a round of design updates and new features to the mobile app, YouTube is testing a “Play something” FAB. This floating action button says “Play something” and has a play ...
YouTube has been testing various implementations of a “Play something” button since at least last year. The latest presents as a Floating Action Button (FAB) that serves up random content in ...
YouTube is testing a new floating "Play something" button in its Android app. This button selects videos randomly based on user preferences. When pressed, it launches content in the YouTube Shorts ...