特朗普政府针对进口中国商品加征额外10%关税本周二(2月4日)生效的同时,另一项取消针对进口包裹免征关税的“小额豁免”(de ...
作者|李楠邮箱|[email protected]们是否要靠“关税漏洞”在美国立足,马上就要有答案了。节后开工,跨境电商迎来了乙巳蛇年的第一遭痛击。根据特朗普签署的最新行政命令,美国将对从加拿大和墨西哥进口的商品征收25%的关税,对来自中国 ...
Yes, this change will likely affect online shopping sites like Shein and Temu, which are popular among young U.S. shoppers ...
A decision by President Trump to close a tariff loophole could change the landscape of online shopping, particularly for the ...
Shein and Temu shifted more of their orders to be fulfilled in the US ahead of de minimis changes.
USPS announced and reversed its decision to not accept packages from China and Hong Kong. How this will affect packages.
While packages will continue to flow, expect delays as shippers learn how to navigate new fees, as well for prices to jump.While a 10% tariff is fairly self-explanatory (goods from the tariffed ...
USPS said it would work with Customs and Border Protection to implement a collection process for new China tariffs to avoid ...
Trump revoked a tax loophole that saved companies tens of billions of dollars in fees on imports. Prices on such orders could ...
Donald Trump’s tariffs could stop Chinese fashion firms Shein and Temu from flooding the market with clothes and goods at low ...
特朗普的行政命令规定,价值低于800美元的包裹的“最低限度”豁免将不再适用,这是Shein等公司多年来利用的一个关税漏洞。尽管Shein在特朗普的贸易政策出台之前一直在使其运输基地多样化,而且最低限度变化的全部范围仍不清楚,但该公司不太可能免受这些变 ...