This glossary contains the definitions of terms used within disability history. To link to the terms please click on any blue letter to see corresponding glossary entries: ...
There are rich histories of people crossing gender throughout English history that resonate for trans and genderqueer identities today. Gender-crossing people appear in court records, popular ...
Witches’ marks - ritual protection symbols or apotropaic marks - have been found in many historic places, from medieval churches and houses, to barns, and caves. The word 'apotropaic' comes from the ...
A collection of over 10,000 images from the Historic England Archive that have been specially selected and re-captioned for teachers to use with their pupils.
During the medieval period, leprosy's disabling consequences became very visible in all communities across England - rural and urban, rich and poor. Its impact would change both the landscape of the ...
In 1851, the Great Exhibition took place in Hyde Park, London. The refreshment rooms featured public conveniences for which a small charge was made. By the time the exhibition closed over 800,000 ...
The main geophysical methods used for archaeological survey are briefly described in this section. All involve the systematic collection of measurements at closely spaced intervals across the area ...
Buildings and the construction industry are one of the largest carbon polluters in the UK today and there is consensus that we urgently need to tackle carbon emissions from buildings. The following ...
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