Expressions are derived for the mass of a stationary axisymmetric solution of the Einstein equations containing a black hole surrounded by matter and for the difference in mass between two neighboring ...
Cosmological aspects of a very weakly interacting axion are discussed. A solution to the problem of domain walls discussed by Sikivie is mentioned. Demanding that axions do not dominate the present ...
The space-charge forces for short electron bunches in circular motion can be very different from the space-charge forces for short electron bunches undergoing straight-line motion. The two major ...
A general method for reducing tensor form factors, that appear in one-loop calculations in dimensional regularization, to scalar integrals is presented. The method is an extension of the reduction ...
The Glauber model is extensively applied to heavy ion collision for describing a number of interaction processes over a wide range of energies from near the Coulomb barrier to higher energies. The ...
One can evaluate the action for a gravitational field on a section of the complexified spacetime which avoids the singularities. In this manner we obtain finite, purely imaginary values for the ...
P - and T -invariance violation in quantum chromodynamics due to the so-called θ-term is discussed. It is shown that irrespectively of how the confinement works there emerge observable P - and T -odd ...
The mass formula ΣJ(−1)2J(2J+1)mJ2=0 is derived for a very general class of interactions with spontaneously broken supersymmetry. It shows the vanishing of the graded trace of the square of the mass ...
It is pointed out that the usual principle of invariance under isotopic spin rotation is not consistant with the concept of localized fields. The possibility is explored of having invariance under ...
Tempo2 is a new software package for the analysis of pulsar pulse times of arrival. In this paper we describe in detail the timing model used by tempo2, and discuss limitations on the attainable ...
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The quantum state of a spatially closed universe can be described by a wave function which is a functional on the geometries of compact three-manifolds and on the values of the matter fields on these ...