Huawei was named a Leader in the Maps 2024 for File Storage and Object Storage, released recently by research and analyst ...
In their latest report, the global technology market intelligence firm ABI Research released its 2023 global base station ...
Omdia, global analyst and advisory leader, and Huawei jointly held the global launch of "Data-driven NPS Management White ...
Today, Huawei officially announces this year's OlympusMons Awards competition is open to international contestants. The two major challenges for the contest are "Storage Technologies That Deliver ...
How are Huawei technologies and talent development programs helping shape Morocco’s digital future? This video shows why ...
Interactive, immersive content has the power to transform enterprises and deliver consumer experiences that will define the media and gaming industries for years to come. Although potential use cases ...
Our vision and mission is to bring digital to every person, home and organization for a fully connected, intelligent world ...
Marcus Tullius Cicero, a Roman philosopher, once said, "The greater the difficulty, the greater the glory." Truer words were never spoken as we bring 2018 to a solid close. It has been an eventful ...
最核心的是从现在开始构筑起 AI 原生的思维,积极拥抱 AI,勇敢地开放企业的价值场景,让 AI 的模型、算力、数据的飞轮围绕着业务飞转起来。 华为云构建以能力为核心的伙伴生态体系,坚持全方位支持伙伴的能力构建与商业成功。 在数字化浪潮中,新质生产 ...
华大智造COO,深圳华大生命科学研究院副院长蒋慧博士,为我们解读了基因测序技术如何帮助解决精准医疗等关系国计民生的实际问题,以及借助AI、5G、云计算等数字技术创新,给医疗行业带来的改变。 华大智造COO,深圳华大生命科学研究院副院长蒋慧博士 ...
今天的华为,就像梅花,梅花飘香是因为她经历了严寒淬炼。我们面临的压力无疑是巨大的,但我们也有增长机会、有组合韧性、有差异化优势、有客户和伙伴的信任和敢于压强式投入。因此,我们有信心战胜艰难困苦,实现持续生存和发展。 轮值董事长 徐直 ...
Japan’s largest mobile operator NTT DOCOMO, INC. is gearing up for one of the world’s earliest and most high-profile 5G launches, targeting commercial deployment in time for the 2020 Summer Olympics ...