三星与日本运营商NTT Docomo合作,共同研究先进移动通信中AI用例,计划专注于网络优化并建立向6G平滑过渡。
MWC洛杉矶大会将汇聚首席信息官、首席技术官、首席信息安全官、开发者和移动运营商高管们,齐聚一堂,深入了解整个企业5G生态系统的关键见解和趋势。 GSMA美国活动负责人Erich Hermanns接受Mobile World Live ...
中国工业和信息化部(MIIT)最近的一份报告称,截止8月底,全国的5G基站超过了惊人的400万个,自今年年初以来增加了60万个。 尽管中国主要移动商开始消减5G资本支出,但自2019年底推出5G以来一直处于上升状态。
铁塔公司Cellnex任命商业大亨Oscar Fanjul(图右)为其非执行董事,接替即将御任法国政府AI特使的Anne Bouverot(图中)。 Fanjul自2023年7月起担任Cellnex的独立董事。 该公司表示,他具有“管理大型跨国公司的丰富经验,对商业世界有深刻理解”。 他在各行业担任过许多职务,包括能源公司Repsol的首席执行官,伦敦证券交易所、联合利华和BBVA公司的董事会成员 ...
LIVE FROM MWC LAS VEGAS 2024: Generative AI (genAI) is ready for prime time across a range of enterprise use cases, but a ...
While access to technology and connectivity is important, it is perhaps even more imperative that it is used in the right way ...
Juan Ramirez, a director for the US Department of Defense (DoD), admitted the agency is still discovering what is possible ...
Elena Fersman, VP & head of Global AI Accelerator at Ericsson opened up on the vendor’s role in a consortium it launched last ...
Salesforce executive Paula Goldman advised businesses to take a hard look at how they employ AI agents in the workplace.
MediaTek introduced its fourth-generation flagship chipset designed to support high-performance mobile applications.
Ericsson, O2 Czech Republic and CETIN trialled the transmission of data over 5G, hailing the move as a milestone for RedCap.
Nokia expanded the range of heavy-duty devices on offer to its customers operating in dangerous industries, adding a new ...