You know how deeply trauma impacts your client's mind, body, and emotions — and how difficult healing can be. You have clients who are constantly (and unpredictably) triggered by their traumatic ...
As treating professionals, it’s no wonder we lie awake at night trying to figure out how to help our young clients. From increased depression, anxiety, worry, and ...
Wouldn’t it be great if grief came wrapped up in a tidy little package? What if we could watch grief progress in a predictable, linear fashion, following set and pre-determined timelines?
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The horrifying truth is that violence and trauma are so pervasive, all women are affected by them in some way. And the way women experience trauma is incomparable to men. Their posttraumatic symptoms ...
There are so many unique ways of doing somatic therapy that often therapists are baffled about where to begin. And… real, hands-on learning is not only hard to find, some programs take years. But, ...
Trauma doesn't just affect the children and teens in your caseload it tears families apart and erodes their connection and trust. That's why you need specialised guidance on both treating traumatised ...
Polyvagal theory is the key to resolving trauma stored in the body. …and thousands of therapists like you are already using it as a scientifically validated roadmap to relieve clients from trauma, ...
Science has shown us that emotions and traumas get stored in the body—not just as memories, but as bodily sensations. But while we know how important the body is in therapy, many therapists find it ...
Kathy Steele, MN, CS, is an expert in the treatment of complex trauma, dissociation, attachment difficulties, and the challenges of complicated therapies. Kathy served on the International Task Forces ...
Underlying trauma makes treating any client more complicated — especially for children and teens, society is quick to label as "disruptive" or "out of control." Without help, those kids can start ...
There’s no such thing as an untreatable client. I believe this so strongly I’ve dedicated my entire life to trying to help them. None of our usual treatment methods work for them – and it isn't for ...