Cette année, la campagne mondiale organisée à l'occasion de la Journée mondiale contre la traite des êtres humains appelle à accélérer les actions visant à mettre un terme à la traite ...
Innovation and technology have revolutionized forest monitoring, enabling countries to track and report on their forests more effectively. A total of 13.7 billion tons of carbon dioxide forest ...
Meditation is an ancient practice that involves focusing one’s attention on the present moment. Rooted in religious, yogic, and secular traditions across cultures, meditation has been practiced ...
The credentials of representatives and the names of members of a delegation shall be submitted to the Secretary-General if possible not less than one week before the opening of the session.
Persons with disabilities often are excluded from the mainstream of the society and denied their human rights. Discrimination against persons with disabilities takes various forms, ranging from ...
New York - Secretary-General's video message on Human Rights Day [scroll down for French version] New York - Secretary-General's video message to the Central Emergency Response Fund High-Level ...