Emeritus hoogleraar Universiteitsgeschiedenis Leen Dorsman beschrijft maandelijks iets uit de lange geschiedenis van de Universiteit Utrecht. Deze keer: de Utrechtse eetcultuur.
The Green Office is the sustainability platform of Utrecht University. At the Green Office, fresh minds and hands from all corners of the university come together to support Utrecht University's ...
De begrippen psychotrauma en posttraumatische stressstoornis, of PTSS, zijn de afgelopen decennia steeds populairder geworden. Niet alleen in de wetenschappelijke literatuur en in therapieruimtes, maa ...
How do international paramilitary groups, like Wagner, affect armed conflicts? How do new technologies, such as drones and artificial intelligence affect the dynamics of armed conflict and war? Why ...
From 19.30 onwards, access will only be through the entrance of the Koningsberger building. From there, the Buys Ballot and Minnaert buildings are accessible. Location: the Koningsberger building can ...
Emeritus Professor of University History Leen Dorsman describes something you must know about Utrecht University’s long history. This time: wining and dining at Utrecht University.
Do you want to discover the history and culture of the great pre-modern civilisations? Our research Master’s programme in Ancient, Medieval and Renaissance Studies focuses on the interdisciplinary ...
At the Faculty of Science of Utrecht University, we are passionate about understanding how the world works. We encourage you to exchange ideas and insights with our researchers, lecturers and students ...
Hoe verbeter je de jeugdhulp voor jongeren die buiten de boot dreigen te vallen? Hoe richt je het onderwijs zo in dat kinderen optimaal tot hun recht komen? Hoe ondersteun je ouders wanneer de ...
All Master’s and PhD programmes are firmly embedded in Utrecht University research institutes, which encompass world-renowned research expertise and modern educational facilities.