In the wake of a swift studio buyback after an attempted shutdown, Tango Gameworks has confirmed it is back in business ...
Hi-Fi Rush and The Evil Within developer Tango Gameworks has reassured fans that it still plans to make "unique and ...
Following Xbox's surprise closure of Tango Gameworks back in May, the Hi-Fi RUSH developer was saved from the wreckage by ...
A recent interview with some key Tango Gameworks developers provides an encouraging update regarding a Hi-Fi Rush sequel.
Hi-Fi Rush developer Tango Gameworks was part of a set of sweeping layoffs that shocked the industry earlier this year, least ...
A sequel to Hi-Fi Rush is being considered "positively" but studio Tango Gameworks is "considering various opportunities" before fully committing. In a new interview with IGN, studio head Colin Mack, ...
From The Evil Within to Ghostwire: Tokyo and finally Hi-Fi Rush, Tango Gameworks is known for creating brand new games, and ...
2023年,一个名为Tango Gameworks的开发工作室在游戏行业掀起了波澜,尽管一度面临着被彻底关闭的命运,但这并没有阻挡他们奋起反击的决心。《完美音浪》作为他们的一项成功作品,给了他们重新焕发生机的机会。众所周知,即便在最关键的时刻,微软也承认了他们取得的卓越成就,"所有关键指标和预期都实现了突破"。然而,正当一切看似又要回归正轨时,《绝地求生》的发行商Krafton意外地在最后时刻出手 ...
以个性化游戏作品《Hi-Fi RUSH》闻名的日本游戏工作室Tango Gameworks,在2024年面临事业结束的危机后,由韩企魁匠团(KRAFTON ...
近日,IGN采访了《完美音浪》开发商TangoGameworks的几位主创人员,并就游戏续集的问题进行探讨。在被韩国《绝地求生》开发商Krafton收购后,TangoGameworks和《完美音浪》的版权已经归属新东家所有。在接受采访时, ...