在XR眼镜产业的一次关键布局中,谷歌于本周四宣布收编了HTC的部分工程团队,标志着其在XR领域的全面回归。2012年,谷歌首次展示了其令人瞩目的AR眼镜Google Glass,但由于价格高昂及市场需求不足,最终退出了这一领域。回到现在,谷歌正在与HTC达成的这笔2.5亿美元的协议中,谷歌不仅吸纳了HTC大约三分之一的XR研发团队,还获得了HTC相关技术的非独占使用权。
据报道,HTC董事长王雪红在周四发布内部信,强调会继续打造VIVE品牌,并聚焦于高附加值的XR产品。王雪红也表示,这次与谷歌的合作有望对全球XR市场产生深远影响,推动安卓XR系统的成熟,并提升整体市场竞争力。 虽然在眼下谈论XR头显时,主要谈论的是苹果Vision Pro、Meta公司的Quest,还有字节跳动的Pico等,但谷歌的确是这个行业的大前辈,也是最早一批折戟的科技巨头。
在近期举办的CES 2025展会上,智能AR眼镜占据了XR(扩展现实)相关展品的“半壁江山”。雷鸟创新携其新品雷鸟V3 AI拍摄眼镜“叫板”Meta推出的“标杆产品”Ray-Ban Meta;灵伴科技Rokid展示了其与暴龙眼镜合作的Rokid ...
Does the idea of smart glasses — or headsets, even — excite you, or are you still waiting to be truly wowed? Maybe you've already bought into the dream, or maybe you're eyeing Android XR with ...
在今年的CES展会上,一个显著的趋势悄然浮现:AI眼镜设备以轻量化、低价化的姿态井喷式涌现,而VR、MR、XR等旗舰级沉浸式头戴显示设备则显得黯然失色,参展产品寥寥无几。meta、Rokid、雷鸟等厂商纷纷将目光投向了价格更为亲民、应用场景更为丰富的 ...
Sony, Xreal, and Lynx are also working on Android XR devices. While Sony and Lynx are most likely to launch headsets, Xreal is a smart glasses manufacturer and is the first Android XR glasses ...
If you're simply looking for a pair of smart glasses that replicate the experience of looking at a large monitor, the Viture Pro XR is one of our top picks. However, if you want more of a virtual ...
Google recently pulled the wraps off the Android XR operating system for mixed reality wearables. Android's future looks more promising than what the Meta Quest and Ray-Ban glasses offer.