A safe chocolate for dogs may sound odd, especially after we have been warned for many years about the dangers chocolate poses to our dogs. Turns out, this simple ingredient has been used by many dog ...
Allergies to plastic bowls in dogs are a real thing. When someone mentions food and water bowls for dogs – plastic options are often the first that come to mind. They come in a variety of shapes, ...
Kidney parasites in dogs may be something you have never heard about. You are more familiar though with intestinal parasites since your vet requires annual stool checks to ensure your dog has none of ...
The ways dogs detect human pregnancy can be quite outstanding. However, we shouldn't be surprised. After all, we know of dogs who can detect cancer, predict seizures and even recognize low blood sugar ...
The many Siberian husky coat colors make it difficult deciding which one is the best. After all, the Siberian husky is a stunning breed per se and part of this breed's beauty relies on its coat which ...
Dogs lick the air for a variety of reasons, and some of them may sometimes stem from medical issues. For this reason, if your dog is licking the air excessively or for prolonged periods of time, you ...
Whether doodle dogs shed is an important question perspective doodle owners should ask before investing in this mixed breed. Discover whether doodles shed and cause allergies. Whether doodle dogs shed ...
Dogs love belly rubs for the simple fact that they feel good, but did you know that when dogs roll over to expose their bellies they aren't always asking for one? Dogs who roll on their backs may ...
The types of worms affecting dogs are several. As parasites, they wreck havoc to your dog's body and some of them can impact humans too! Learn how dogs get worms and what you can do about it. Dogs are ...
Alternatively, the cracked area can be moisturized with Vaseline, but a better option is a product known as Udder Balm or Udder Cream as this penetrates and moisturizes better than Vaseline, explains ...
Dogs eat cat food for a simple reason: dogs find cat food to be an appealing delicacy that is difficult to resist. If Rover is stealing Miss Kitty's food though, you may want to take some steps to ...
Help, my dog is sick after deworming, what should I do? As with many stressful things in life, dealing with a sick dog is something that may trigger feeling of helplessness and despair. A dog being ...