Felix, DL5XL will be active again as DP1POL, from Neumayer Station III, Antarctica, 12 January - 15 February 2025. He will be active on HF bands mainly CW. DP1POL is located at the German research ...
Harold, DF2WO will be active again as 9X2AW from Rwanda, 27 January - 15 February 2025. He will operate on 160 - 6m, CW, SSB, Digital modes and QO-100 satellite. Charles Wilmott, 60 Church Hill, ...
French Guiana is the smallest territory of South America, and at the same time - the largest part of the European Union, located not in Europe and not on the islands. The region is considered a ...
Adrian, G0KOM will be active as ZC4MK from Avdimou Beach, SBA, Cyprus, 24 - 31 March 2025. He will operate on HF Bands, including activity in CQ WW WPX SSB Contest. Recent DX Spots ZC4MK QSL via home ...
Kingdom of Thailand, which was known as Siam in the past is actually a country present in the central part of Indochina peninsula inside the southeastern Asia. Towards its north Burma as well as Laos, ...
T32TTT Team will be active from Kiritimati Island, IOTA OC - 024, Kiribati, starting 15 or 16 December 2024. Previousely they active as T32TT. Team - Members of the Rebel DX Group. They will operate ...
Dom, 3Z9DX inform dxnews.com that 3D2CR Conway Reef DX Pedition is approved for DXCC and also T33T Banaba Island DX Pedition documentation accepted for DXCC. 5B4ALX also inform that his E6ET operation ...
The Galapagos Islands are a stunningly beautiful and one-of-a-kind archipelago, one of the most incredible places on the planet. Here live four hundred-kilogram turtles and southern penguins, four ...
Emir, E77DX will be active as D4DX from Sao Vicente Island, IOTA AF - 086, Cape Verde, Cabo Verde, 13 - 26 November 2024. He will operate on HF Bands including activity as D4DX in CQ WW DX CW Contest, ...