Homeowners are reminded to complete their Vacant Unit Tax (VUT) declaration for each residential property they own before the March 20 deadline. A $250 late fee will be applied to declarations ...
Nous rappelons aux propriétaires fonciers d’Ottawa qu’ils ont jusqu’au 20 mars prochain pour remplir le formulaire de déclaration aux fins du programme d’impôt sur les logements vacants (ILV) pour ...
The Billings family settled on the shores of the Rideau River in 1812 and took an active role in shaping the community as it evolved over time and until the 1970s when they left the estate. They ...
Canada Post services resumed on Tuesday, December 17. Ontario Works payments will not be mailed out and must be picked up in person. Ontario Works clients who would normally receive their cheques by ...
Find out more about the Chief Information Security Office positions and advance your cybersecurity career while making a meaningful public contribution.
Le service de Postes Canada a repris le mardi 17 décembre. Les paiements destinés aux bénéficiaires du programme Ontario au travail ne sont toutefois pas envoyés par courrier pour le moment et doivent ...
The Backflow Prevention Program's purpose is to prevent the backflow of potentially contaminated water from buildings considered severe and moderate hazard risks to ...