In the Arts PROPEL approach to instruction and assessment, students write poems, and tackle other real-life projects as the starting point for exploring the works of practicing artists.
Thinking Routines invite learners of any age to be close observers, organize their ideas, to reason carefully, and to reflect on how they are making sense of things. A vast array of PZ's work has ...
Designing curriculum, instruction, and assessment that nurtures deep and lasting understanding for students.
The eight “studio habits of mind” (Develop Craft, Engage & Persist, Envision, Express, Observe, Reflect, Stretch & Explore, Understand Art Worlds) describe the thinking that teachers intend for their ...
Creating strong learning cultures in schools using documentation as a tool to deepen and extend learning. Making Learning Visible has a goal to create and sustain powerful cultures of learning in ...
Focus on experiencing and appreciating art as a way to help students develop ways of thinking that support thoughtful learning. Artful Thinking helps teachers use works of visual art and music in ways ...
As the world becomes increasingly connected, knowledge of ourselves as individual learners and as members of a community becomes more important. When children begin their schooling with support for ...
Focus on experiencing and appreciating art as a way to help students develop ways of thinking that support thoughtful learning. Artful Thinking helps teachers use works of visual art and music in ways ...
Global Thinking offers thinking routines that foster understanding and appreciation of today's complex globalized world. The materials and tools include a framework to think about global competence ...
In comparing MI to traditional psychological view of intelligence, one might find it useful to think of them analogously as if they were computers. Belief in a single intelligence implies that humans ...
An ensemble of research projects designed to understand the nature of various “goods” and to promote their realization in our time. Founded by psychologists Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, William Damon, and ...