The Department of Parliamentary Services (DPS) is collecting this information for the purposes of advising you about Australian Parliament House visitor events, programs and exhibitions; special ...
The Parliament appropriates moneys from the Consolidated Revenue Fund on an annual basis in order to fund expenditure by the Government. Prior to 1999 the appropriation of funds by the annual ...
It is etched on the collective psyche of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people today that social and economic exclusion was arbitrarily enforced upon us. The ramifications of this exclusion has ...
Each government portfolio is allocated to a committee for the consideration of estimates, and each year the Senate adopts a schedule for the following year's estimates hearings. Additionally, cross ...
9.42The committee recommends that the government introduce legislation to establish a Human Rights Act. The committee considers the bill should broadly reflect the model proposed by the Australian ...
2.97The committee recommends that the Australian Government establish the National Sports Injury Database as a matter of urgency, noting this will significantly help address the lack of sports injury ...
Overview of Australia’s corporate insolvency regime The Australian insolvency framework Historical context Corporate insolvency and COVID-19 pandemic emergency responses The current state of corporate ...
The Constitution determines the composition of the House of Representatives and provides that it shall consist of Members directly chosen by the people of the Commonwealth and that the number of ...
The normal flow of the legislative process is that a bill (a draft Act, or, in the terminology of the Constitution, a proposed law) is introduced into one House of Parliament, passed by that House and ...
2.126That the Australian Government establish a mechanism for co-design with victim-survivors of financial abuse (including through representative groups) in relation to the implementation of ...
The Parliament consists of two Houses (the Senate and the House of Representatives), and the King, represented in Australia by the Governor General. In 1901 the Australian Constitution established the ...
A senator is a member of the Australian Senate, elected to represent a state or territory. There are 76 senators, 12 from each state and two each from the Australian Capital Territory and the Northern ...