To renew your certification you must pass an exam every three years or attend an approved Private Continuing Instruction Course (P-CIC) between December 1 and April 15 each year your certification ...
The process of estate settlement is designed to accomplish three things: determine what assets were owned by the deceased and place a value on the assets, transfer the assets to the correct people or ...
Estimated deductible costs for use in adjusting farm expenses to exclude the cost of producing home-consumed farm produce. Chad E. Hart, extension economist, Iowa State University, 515-294-9911, chart ...
Capital investments are long-term investments in which the assets involved have useful lives of multiple years. For example, constructing a new production facility and investing in machinery and ...
An important aspect of lifetime transitions and estate planning is consideration of the times in life where it is necessary for someone to step into the shoes of another and make decisions on that ...
This article is a basic overview of concepts related to trusts as estate planning tools and is intended to give individuals points to consider as they engage in the estate planning process. Do not ...
Is there a simple and uniform method of figuring a rental rate for pasture and hay land? Probably not, but guidelines are available. Thereare several methods for computing a pasture rental rate, and ...
The tables of historical county farmland values are presented in the accompanying "pdf" file that you can access by clicking here or on the icon above.
As you develop your business plan, a "management team" needs to be pulled together, with serious thought given to the key positions that need to be filled and who should fill them. The path of least ...
Interested in improving the quality of your child care program in a fun and interactive way? Learn how to use Environment Rating Scales® to assess and improve the quality of child care programs.