一月生日石柘榴石是品种最丰富的宝石之一,因为它有许多不同的颜色。柘榴石生日石可在世界各地进行开采,象征着许多不同的乐观情绪。了解更多关于这种独特生日石的信息。 紫水晶是二月生日石,是石英的紫色类别,据说可以预防醉酒,让人在生意中保持 ...
在过去的 35 年里,人们见证了深圳从一个贫穷的渔村转变成为一个现代化的大都市。 如今,它是中国最重要的经济中心之一,也是中国宝石和珠宝行业的前沿。 照片版权属 Istockphoto 。 简介 在过去 35 年间,深圳从一个非常贫穷的小渔村转变成为中国经济最发达 ...
GIA 远程教学包含网络学习和实习班。 网络学习是指在线进行课程学习 — 课程材料在线提供,作业和期末考试在线进行。 在实习班,您可以和讲师一起分级和鉴定宝石,获得必要的实践经验。 查看世界各地的 GIA 校区提供的实习班课程。 可在以下页面中找到 ...
标记每个晶体边缘的切口被称为重入角。 宝石爱好者通常将其形容为“白天的祖母绿,晚上的红宝石”,亚历山大变石是金绿玉矿物中非常罕见的变色类别。 它最初在 19 世纪 30 年代被发现于俄罗斯的乌拉尔山脉,现在,斯里兰 卡、东非和巴西都发现了它的 ...
The field of gemology is filled with rich and exciting stories of exploration and discovery, as man roamed the world in search of treasure and found sparkling gems scattered in rivers and streams and ...
The green turquoise cabochon, from an American mine, might become part of a designer’s unique jewelry piece. The even blue color of the cabochon on the right would be called “Persian blue” in the ...
Diamond is available in a range of sizes and qualities to fit every consumer's tastes. One of the first things most people learn about diamonds is that not all diamonds are created equal. In fact, ...
Fine-color, large, and eye-clean (lacking visible inclusions) rubies like this 11.01carat (ct) stone from Myanmar (formerly known as Burma) are extremely rare and valuable. – Photo: Robert Weldon/GIA.
Figure 1. This 1.36 ct light bluish violet sapphire displayed an interesting color shift when exposed to the UV radiation of the DiamondView. Photo by Igor Iemelianov; magnified 15×. A 1.36 ct light ...
祖母绿用于首饰已有几个世纪的历史。 有了适当的保养,现代珠宝镶嵌的祖母绿同样可以代代相传。 — Color Masters 友情提供 硬度和韧度 莫氏硬度用以衡量宝石和矿物的硬度。 这些数字基于一种矿物可被其他物品划伤的相对难易程度得出。 但莫氏硬度并不完全 ...
Laboratory-grown diamonds have their own distinct characteristics, including inclusions and other features, which allow GIA scientists to distinguish them from natural diamonds. These clarity ...
Figure 1. One of the two giant amethyst geodes displayed at the entrance of the Mineral Hall. This geode weighs 11,000 lbs. (5,000 kg). Photo by Augusto Castillo. The American Museum of Natural ...