Together we defend the natural world and work for a green and peaceful future. Greenpeace campaigns are changing the world for the better. From saving the whales to getting rid of polluting cars, our ...
Fracking, also known as hydraulic fracturing, is a technique used to get oil and gas out of the ground. Water, sand and a cocktail of chemicals are pumped deep underground at high pressure to open up ...
Puffins will be eating better thanks to a Greenpeace-backed ban on fishing for sand eels - a vital food source for the iconic sea birds. The crew of Greenpeace’s ship Arctic Sunrise saved a humpback ...
From our beginnings as a small group of activists protesting against nuclear testing off the coast of Alaska, Greenpeace has grown into a global movement for change. Today, for the millions of people ...
Greenpeace is opening up its workshop in North London to grassroots groups campaigning on a range of connected issues like racial and social justice as well as defending the environment. Access to ...
Most environmental problems come from using natural resources unsustainably. But what is sustainability? What does it mean to be sustainable? Let's find out. Sustainability is a way of using resources ...
Burning fossil fuels for energy, transport and industry releases greenhouse gases, which cause global warming. Things like farming, cutting down forests and overfishing are making it worse. There is ...
Indigenous Peoples are those descended from the earliest inhabitants of a country before colonisation, who live in culturally distinct societies and communities. There are approximately 476 million ...
Investigation case study images: Wednesday, 20th November – Five petrochemical giants behind the Alliance to End ...
Together we defend the natural world and work for a green and peaceful future. Greenpeace campaigns are changing the world for the better. From saving the whales to getting rid of polluting cars, our ...