Collingwood and Nelson went to Nicaragua to fight ashore, the Spaniards as well as the French having decided to aid the ...
Robert Fergusson took his role as ‘Scotia’s bard’ seriously. He made it his business to reflect the realities of life in ...
The ballad, then, underscores the sensational, multimedia nature of the Logroño auto de fe, which laid bare a nightmarish ...
What the war released above all was a spirit of ephemerality’ Mark Polizzotti is Head of Publications at the Metropolitan ...
H elen Cam (1885-1968), the first woman to be elected to a chair at Harvard, was a formidable English medievalist. Unusually ...
Unfortunately, most of Euripides’ work has not come down to us. Only 17 complete tragedies and one satyr play have survived.
In its first two centuries of existence Christianity witnessed the persecution of many of its members by officials of the Roman Empire; the causes of these persecutions have been and continue to be ...
Some have suggested that in 1187 – on the very eve of its near-destruction – the kingdom was as strong as it ever had been. Others have argued that this reverse was simply the knock-out blow which ...
A cross in the road in Oxford’s Broad St marks the site of the execution. Workmen had discovered part of a stake and some bits of charred bone there, in what had once been part of the town ditch.
The first non-Italian pope to be elected in four centuries, and widely regarded as one of the most memorable, was born Karol Jozef Wojtyla in 1920 in a small town in Poland, near Krakow. His mother ...
In 1861 serfdom, the system which tied the Russian peasants irrevocably to their landlords, was abolished at the Tsar’s imperial command. Four years later, slavery in the USA was similarly declared ...
The New York Times, as it so often does, described the scene perfectly: The brokers stood perfectly thunderstruck for a moment, and then there was a general run to notify the different houses of Wall ...